Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Ps3 Save Data Copy Protected

Sony's clever but flawed playstation copy protection--and how they might have fixed it - duration: 14:15. technology connections 2,339,861 views. Note - this is only true if you used the backup utility to make a full copy of the entire ps3's hard drive. if you copied your saves manually, you won't be able to use the copy-protected ones. it's only true if you use the system transfer option. backup and restore will only work for copy protected saves, if it's the same ps3. Hi all, over the weekend i had the ylod whilst playing gt5 , tried all dodgy methods to fix the broken ps3 but to no avail so i have purchased a new slim ps3 i then realised to my horror of trying to apply backup to the new hard drive gt5 is copy protected!!!.

Gt5 save data copy protected. discussion in 'gran turismo 5' started by themightygoish, mar 14, precisely because the save data is not copy protected nor console-locked. when i do upload the save data to the new ps3 should i update to 2.05, upload the save data, then download the rest of the updates? pamu1337. messages: 1,371. I'm not going to cheat and get a save data file off the internet. all i want to do is back up my saved data and copy it to my other ps3 when i go to my dads. when games are copy protected, i can't play them at my dads, so i can only play it half the time. so what if people cheat, it's there choice, they just spoil it for themselves.. Copy-protected saved data is handled as follows: - uploading to online storage: can be done at any time. - downloading saved data from online storage: once saved data that is copy-protected is uploaded to or downloaded from online storage, you must wait at least 24 hours before downloading the same data again..

ps3 save data copy protected

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