Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Download Apktool Linux

Apktool is a tool for reengineering 3rd party, closed, binary android apps. it can decode resources to nearly original form and rebuild them after making some modifications; it makes possible to debug smali code step by step.. A good linux format code editing program like notepad ++ [get it from here] step 1 - install java step 3 - download apktool - go here. for downloading apktool related files, [guide][how-to] decompile and compile apps using apktool in 5 simple steps.. Set up apktool on ubuntu in no time. apktool has been one of the main, and probably most influential application editing tools for quite some time on the android platform..

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Space wallpaper - 320209

Linux; news & reviews apktool is a free and open-source tool that drops the graphical interface in favor of the command-line environment. with its help, android developers can decode resources. Same way you install any software on linux. 1. find out the name of your distro’s package manager. 2. run the package manager; you will probably be asked for your password 3. use the package manager to install apktool. note that the other answers. Buat pecinta android yang menggunakan backbox linux 4.7 tentunya agak kesulitan karena apktool bawaan backbox linux masih mempergunakan apktool versi 2.0.3 sedangkan update apktool terakhir adalah versi 2.2.2 , karena itu saya berusaha untuk mengupdate apktool agar dapat menggunakan apktool dengan versi yang terbaru dan berikut ini adalah langkah yang saya lakukan untuk mengupdate apktool :.

download apktool linux

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